Medical Weight Loss


Begin your weight loss journey today

Reduce your risk of getting:

A Stroke

Heart Attack

High Blood Pressure



Unique & Personalised Service

  • Managed by UK doctors with full time support

  • UK Pharmacy

  • Confidential

  • Over 4,000 pens prescribed in the last year

  • Free & tracked delivery

  • Aftercare support

My family has a strong history of stroke, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Every single one of my uncles and aunts had one, many or all, of those conditions and my dad died having them all.  Since I became 40 I felt like a bullet was heading my way, one of those things is going to get me, it’s just when. Gym and diet weren’t working and I just stopped being disciplined with both. Ozempic is the booster that I needed, I lost nearly 7kg in the first month and I’m back to eating better, home exercises and stretching and just feeling so much healthier.
I know one of those conditions are coming but now I feel like I’m doing something about it which will put me in a better place at that time.

Mrs J, 41 South Wales,

Dr N was there to answer my questions, especially the first week of the course when I noticed a few things and wanted to run it past her. She was reassuring. The support from the
whole team meant a lot.

MR K, 32, London.

I don’t want to go too into how this has made me feel as it would get me all emotional, but thank you, I genuinely mean it.
I’m back to swimming which I just love and I just feel better. The Nausea lasted a day or two and I only needed two tablets to feel better.
I just need to buy some new SMALLER!!!! Clothes.

Mrs D 32, London,

After many years of struggling with my weight, I was recommended Ozempic. I was
apprehensive but, over the space of 6 weeks I have lost 5kg. Alongside this I have felt more energetic and also go swimming. Ozempic has made me feel more confident in
myself and I can’t wait to see the results in the future.
Dr. Sam (I just realized I don’t know your last name) has been truly amazing through this journey. He made sure to fully discuss everything with me and to make me feel at ease
with starting this process. He is always quick to respond and I have felt fully supported at
all times.

Miss D, London,

Although I was a bit apprehensive at first and having tried so many diets and countless trips to the gym I believe my journey with Ozempic is going to be the game changer. In 4 weeks, I’ve lost 6.5kg absolutely no side effects other than feeling full and having no cravings. I am so grateful for my doctor for suggesting Ozempic and for thoroughly explaining everything to me, putting my mind at ease. I appreciate most his availability.

Mrs K, Bristol,

So far, my experience with Ozempic has been nothing but positive. I’ve been stuck at a
certain weight for over a year and have struggled to shed weight past a certain point. Within the first week of using Ozempic, I lost 1kg. Although I had mild nausea the first week, it quickly went away and I haven’t had any side effects since. I am currently on my third week and have lost 3kg in total without making any changes to my diet. I plan on incorporating healthier eating and exercising to maximize my weight loss journey. Really happy with the results so far and excited to continue.

Miss W, East Anglia,

I work full-time during the week and get home 2 hours after my GP closes.  I can’t afford to take time off work. Being able to pick up the phone and text Dr. Nouran is something I never expected, I don’t know any doctors personally, they seemed too busy from afar.  Dr. N was there to answer my questions, especially during the first week of the course when I noticed a few things and wanted to run it past her. She was reassuring. The support from the whole team meant a lot.

MR K, 32, London.,


Weekly Treatment

  • Most Popular Treatment

  • Two stage Programme

Oral Treatment

  • Daily Tablet
  • Three stage Programme

Daily Treatment

  • Simple Administration

  • Five stage Programme

3 Easy Steps

Select a Treatment

Please read the accompanying information on all treatments

Complete Medical Assessment

Our doctors will review all forms to ensure it is safe and appropriate to have treatment

Confirm order and make payment

Once our doctors approve your treatment, the order will be sent out through a secure and tracked delivery.
